Monday, October 1, 2007

An Etrog Grows in Gomel

Ok, I'm not sure if the etrog was actually grown in Gomel but it certainly found its way there for Sukkot festivities!

On Sunday, Setember 30th, Pasha drove a few of us from the JDC all the way to the southern cities of Mozir and Gomel for a visit to Sukkot family festivities. The JDC gives a lot of support to Jewish communities in the "periphery" of Belarus (anywhere not Minsk) by helping them enjoy chagim and providing other resources. The drive took about four and a half hours each way but Pasha played a fascinating Mongolian film on his car DVD player that really helped pass the time!

In Mozir I was impressed to find a small Hebrew lesson taking place. Two pensioner who plan to make aliyah shortly were learning Hebrew and I was happy to take part in their conversation.

And the Gomel celebration was filled with tons of wholesome Sukkot family fun. The community rented a cafeteria and converted it into a lively Sukkot celebration complete with a kippa-sporting emcee, Israeli music and dancing, contests for children, and and a symbolic decorated tent sukkah.

I loved showing this adorable Gomel tot and his father the lulav and etrog!
That's right little dude! Shake it like a Polaroid picture!


odessabraun said...

Hi, Aliyah.
Great blog! It's really exciting for all of us who know you to read and see what you are doing.
Kol HaKavod.
Chag Sameach.
Barbara and Dick Braun

Aliyah said...

Thanks! I'm really glad you could see some of the stuff I've been doing here in Minsk! Chag Sameach to you too!