Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Krazy About KEFIR!

...and 10 more things I love about Minsk:

1. I can use my balcony as an extra refrigerator.

2. Diminutives. Even cars here are called "Mazdachkas" and "Toyotichkas."

3. The food. If you smile at your plate of beets, pickles, noodles, and mystery cutlet, it will smile back.

4. Adults (and I) shamelessly collect stuffed animals!

5. BelaKola, the "Belarusian People's Cola!"

6. Frolicking in the snow

7. Pickled everything

8. Going to the banya (Russian sauna) and being beaten with birch leaves to "improve circulation." Where else could you get this VIP spa treat

9. Fur for all!

10. The Jewish community, of course!

1 comment:

Yael said...

Aliyah-shka - YOU ARE SO FUNNY! Can't get enough, Yael